Assignment 1
Critical Annotated Webliography
1. Miyake, Esperanza.”My, is that Cyborg a little bit Queer?”.15 March 2011.<http://www.bridgew.edu/soas/jiws/Mar04/Miyake.pdf>
l Summary:
The title of this essay is “My, is that Cyborg a little bit Queer?”. The essay will discuss the cyborg as queer into different aspect of queer theory such as(sociological, ideological, political and ontological). The essay also explores the status of cyborg in many ways such as gender, sexuality, identity, representation and the body. The essay argues that the cyborg is really like a real person. The essay also mentions that there are three area which draw our attention. The first area is the sexual power in social life. The second area is roblematizes sexual and gender categories, and identities in general. The third and the largest area is the social politics. The essay also mentions that the cyborg world will be appeared in earth finally. In this cyborg world, there is no any sexual power and the gender different. On the other hand, the essay also argues that the cyborg world is very important. It is because the cyborg can be set a means which like lesbian/gay/queer into the politics and action. The essay also mentions that the cyborg is even better the real world. It is because the real person body always requires so many things to fulfill their body but the cyborg is not. In the cyborg world, it is only full of code. The essay mentions that the cyborg is not related to any racial, ethnic, class, gendered or sexual body. The essay argue that gender will be completely destroyed by cyborg due to there is no gender in the cyborg world. The essay also argues that there will have so many problems if there is no gender in this world and this phenomenon will happen very soon.
2. Kupczak, Tania.” “So You Wanna Be A Cyborg Mommy? Queer Identity and the New Reproductive Technologies” 15 March 2011.<http://www.refugia.net/domainerrors/DE2g_queer.pdf>
l Summary:
The title of this essay is “So You Wanna Be A Cyborg Mommy? Queer Identity and the New Reproductive Technologies”. The essay argues that the cyborg is a creature in a post-gender world. Nowadays the gender identity is still remaining but there are someone wanting to get over this tradition. The essay point out that the reproduction is a great identity between the human and the cyborg. The essay argues that the cyborg in twenty-first century have already became not only base on the mechanical and biological part, but also the cyborg has become a representative for humans’ lifestyle and technologically mediated identities. As the cyborg is the hybrid of the flesh and the machine. The essay uses a Cryobaby as a example. The fact is a human baby should be created by sex. However, the Cryobaby should be created by science. The essay also talks about the gay men and lesbian are trying to use different ways to create a baby for their own. It finds out that it is very hard to find a human to have sex and create a baby for you. So that the Cryobaby should be the best way which means create by the science. It is safe and it is work. Unfortunately, the law is still can deny this. Finally, the essay point out that nowadays the society is already changing. Respect the gay men and lesbian and accept the cyborg baby. It seems cyborg baby will become “normal” in the future.
3. Franklin, Sarah.” The Cyborg Embryo : Our Path to Transbiology”. sagepub.com.2006. 16 March 2011.<http://tcs.sagepub.com/content/23/7-8/167.full.pdf>
l Summary:
The title of this essay is “The Cyborg Embryo”. The essay point out the development of the cyborg embryo had been started so many years. The people in order to know more about it, they tend to study the anthropology of the embryos such as life, health, sex, hope and money. Someone said the cyborg embryo profane the god and break the tradition. There is a question that no one can define their identities up to now. In 1980s, Haraway said the cyborg was “a slightly perverse shift” in the relation between society and technology. The essay point out why IVF is very common, but cyborg embryo is perceived as something of an oddity. It is because IVF has already been perceived as normal in our world. The education is the main key to draw the IVF becoming normal in humans’ mind. The essay argues that there are always so many similar issues which are between the socialized and the scientific understandings such as the social values and gender identities. It will be more and more visibly in the coming days.The last thing is that there is one thing remain for certain. If we want to develop the cyborg embryo well, we need to know more about the history of the cyborg.
4. Asberg,Cecilia.” Enter cyborg: tracing the historiography and ontological
turn of feminist technoscience studies” feministtechnoscience.3 June 2010. 16 March 2011.<http://feministtechnoscience.se/wp/wp-content/uploads/enter-cyborg-international-journal-of-feminist-technoscience-v-1_1.pdf>
l Summary:
The title of this essay is “Enter cyborg: tracing the historiography and ontological turn of feminist technoscience studies”. At the beginning of the essay, the essay mentions that a photo makes the cyborg becoming a icon of the feminist. Cyborg becomes a very hot topic which between the technology and the identity formations of the modern human Self in the society. It mentions that a cyborg is a hybrid, not entirely human and not entirely woman.
The cyborg is not only a matter of the gender equality in academia. It even affects the cultures of modern of science in the whole world. The essay point out that the cyborg is not only the metaphor for the joint merging of biology and technology, but also is a collection of different identities and border zones of many kinds like body, the virtual and the real. The essay also mentions that the cyborg has a great potential to make the natural and the culture mix together. The essay also described the cyborg as a “post gender”. The cyborg is a very crucial key figure to the ontological issues that haunts feminist materialist
thinking today.
5. Julie Levin Russo. “cyborg sex in public,fan fiction on-line,and a fantasyof politicalconsumption” Swarthmore.12 July 2002. 16 March 2011.
l Summary:
The title of this essay is “cyborg sex in public,fan fiction on-line,and a fantasyof politicalconsumption”. The essay starts with a story which is talking about the sex between two cyborgs. It point out the mass culture is hegemonic, they can set the ideological for you whenever they want. The mass culture always point out that the cyborg is queer. The cyborg is challenging the public sex within a queer tradition. The essay mentions that there is a title for the cyborg sex which called “non-sexual reproduction plus non-reproductive sex”. It makes a very strong power for the political resistance and change. The essay also mention that if we want to change the tradition mind of the cyborg sex, we need to find out a new way and a new disseminating way to express a new idea and new image of the cyborg sex, in order to develop a new culture to the cyborg sex. The essay uses a very good example which is fan-written stories. The fan-written stories always talk about the cyborg sex and the the lesbian staff. As the internet develops rapidly, it is a very good way to get there so that the public will not belittle the cyborg and the cyborg sex.
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